I'm back to drawing for the Gowanus Nite Market again! The next market is next Saturday January 12! This week I'm trying a new theme: GOWANUS has 7 letters, and I'll post a new letter each day that has a picture that starts with that letter. I went around Gowanus taking pictures one night to find lots of things that began with all the letters. Super cold, but super fun like a scavenger hunt! The first letter is G for the G train. The G has its quirks: it's a few car lengths shorter than the other trains, it's the only train that is only in Brooklyn & Queens and doesn't go to Manhattan, and I've heard some refer to it as the "Ghost Train." According to Wikipedia, the G's original name was the GG and started service in 1933. Today, most people hate the G train because it's royally messed up on the weekends due to construction and is super slow at night. However, most times I've taken the G during the day it's been fine. Whatever your feelings are about the G train, it's a part of Gowanus and part of your life in Brooklyn.