*TMTH = "Too much to handle"
There are many different types and levels of crazy. For example, (and New Yorkers know all too well) if you see someone shouting and cursing in a strange erratic way on the subway platform, you know to obviously stay away from that person. However, I think it's the more subtle forms of crazy that are the most dangerous. The kind where you think the person is friendly and normal at first, and you let them into your life. Then they do a total 180° on you and you're left hurt and confused.
This is one of those Daily Misfortunes that's actually true. And this is a problem that I and other people (not just in NYC because there are crazy people everywhere) unfortunately have to learn to deal with somehow. One of my 2 situations involves a girl who I befriended and brushed off her social quirks at first, because I'm usually friendly and trusting. Over a few weeks, I began to notice more and more socially strange things about her. Well, the sh*t hit the fan when that girl came to a party recently on some kind of drug (meth, maybe?) and was very inappropriately harassing me the entire night, among other disturbing behaviors, and didn't remember it the next day. The problem is, she's in the same social groups, so I have seen her after that and will encounter her again. Not sure what to do. The other situation is not as extreme, but it involves dating a guy that's even termed himself as being "an emotional basket case."
Not to bash anyone with any kind of mental imbalance, disorder, or anything, because if those people are getting help and are on the right medication with the right doses, they can live happy normal lives. I've known such people and have seen them contribute to society in a positive way. Usually growing up, people with disorders are being taken care of and can be ok, but when they're on their own as adults, what if they don't or can't get the help they need?
I find the brain pretty fascinating, and have read some legit books and watched documentaries on some mental disorders like schizophrenia and others. At the Zine fest, lots of people wrote about struggles with mental health. I have a growing desire to learn more about these kinds of issues.
OK, enough of being a Debbie Downer. I was going to post this video yesterday, because I went to the Zine fest and it has the lyrics "I want to publish zines and rage against machines," but it actually rings more true for today's post. "Flagpole Sitta" is a very catchy tune, and I loved that song in high school and still love it now, but I have a new understanding of the lyrics.