So much has been going on! Last time I blogged it was before the Comics and Medicine Conference, which went really well! I didn't mess up on my presentation! Since then I've been finishing the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers coloring, which I thankfully got done in time for the deadline. Oh and my friends had a wedding that displayed 2 custom comics I made for them! Pics to come. In the meantime:
I'm in Pete's Mini Zine Fest this Saturday July 26th! In my 'hood of Williamsburg at Pete's Candy Store (it's a bar that used to be a candy store) 709 Lorimer St. in Brooklyn, from 2-7pm. There's also a kickoff reading event the night before that should be fun too. If you liked the Brooklyn Zine Fest, you'll find Pete's Zine Fest to be similar, but cozier and with booze :P
Oh, Daily Misfortune, I have missed ye! Freelancing has been hard. It's great when I have a huge project like the Rangers, but even though I paced myself (literally coloring on the plane... on the bus...) crunch time meant staying up til dawn for a week and doing nothing else but Photoshop. But hey, it worked! So now comes the search for the next project... there's always a celebration upon completing a project, but then it's like "now what?" After the Zine Fest though I have Boston Comic Con lined up for early August. On top of that, I have to move because my place is getting too expensive.