No, it's not an actual Pow Wow (although I've heard they're really fun!), but a new pop up market in Bed-Stuy! This Sunday, October 25th, from 11A-5P, at 1058 Bedford Ave in Brooklyn. They'll have vintage clothes, records, jewelry, hand-made stuff, and me doing my on-the-spot drawings. Kind of reminds me of when I did the Gowanus Nite Markets a few years ago! It'll be nice to be in an artsy market again - people usually ask for the more random imaginative drawings rather than just their kid as a hero (but that's cool too!).
Pow Wow NY is more than just a market, though. They're an artist collective, check out Seems like they have a lot of great artists on their team! Also they have an artist retreat thing which I want to go to at some point. If you're an artist in the Brooklyn area, it's worth checking out this fall market on Sunday just to meet the people that run Pow Wow and network, etc.
I have a string of 3 Daily Misfortunes for you that happened over the course of almost 3 hours.
I'm someone who has always been a planner. I schedule every project, meeting, and even fun things in my calendar. Sometimes projects take longer than planned, but it's ok as long as I get back on track. But when someone wastes hours of my time when I have a deadline the next day, I'm very annoyed (to put it lightly).
Life is more fast-paced in 2015, especially in NYC! This isn't the '80s or before, when people didn't have cel phones, made vague plans, and waited hours to meet someone. Things that come to mind are when Cher meets Nick Cage for a date in Moonstruck, and the '70s Spinners song "Games People Play." People don't have time for that anymore!