If you're into indie 'zines, are an artsy person, or are just curious, stop by Pete's Mini Zine Fest this Saturday 7/14! It's at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn: 709 Lorimer St. 2P - 7P & it's FREE! Here's the Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/1790188944616901/
It's half indoors/half outdoors in their backyard, and it looks like it'll be a nice day so far! I also have a BRAND NEW MINI COMIC for a very special project I've been working on. You'll get a sneak peek if you come to the zine fest. I'll also have copies of "OTHER REALMS" if you didn't get a chance to get one.
This could be YOU!
There's still time to sign up for the next Business Basics for Freelancers class - this Sunday 7/15 at Anyone Comics in Crown Heights! I know it's summer and you may want to do other things besides learning about business stuff, but there's no time like the present to improve your freelance skills! I've been flyering around and the more I talk with people about this, the more I realize just how MUCH a class like this is needed for the freelance community. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/business-basics-for-freelancers-tickets-47556957139
Hope to see you at one of these events this weekend! So much going on, but that's a good thing!