Celebrating 200 Daily Misfortunes!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! PARTY TIME!!! Almost a year ago I started posting The Daily Misfortunes, and am so glad to see how much people enjoy them! Sure, it's the same picture, and sure, I've skipped some days posting, but for the most part, I'd say this is a pretty successful web comic going on here :) Many thanks to my friends who have inspired some of the misfortunes! And well, I can't say I'm particularly thankful for misfortunes that happened to me (I STILL haven't gotten my license from the DMV!!) but it's always good to turn those bad experiences into a little laugh. And thank YOU, everyone on my mailing list, everyone on facebook, twitter, tumblr, google+, and people that just visit my site! YOU ROCK and THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!