Baltimore Comic Con was a successful trip! Originally, I was supposed to share a table with Ellen Stedfeld and Carlos Abdu, but we were incredibly lucky that there were 2 vacant tables next to us, so we each got our own table!! Probably one of the few times where waiting til the last minute paid off. I almost didn't do the show because I was crazily apartment hunting, then moving. But there was still table space left after I found a place, so we went for it! We were way back in the corner, and it seemed like there were quite a few empty tables here and there, that of course filled up as exhibitors got wise and spread out more as the show went on. Last year we were definitely cramped at 3 people for one table, and our sales reflected that. I think we all did better this year because we got more display space and room to talk with customers.
I was interviewed by Comic Pow! Eric Mesa kind of caught me off-guard Saturday morning - he mainly interviewed me about Aer Head (which I haven't worked on in awhile), and I sound like a total ditz, but he said nobody likes the sound of themselves :P Anyway it inspired me to work harder on the series!
We stayed at Ellen's friends' place - super friendly couple! Their house was super nice and had vintage decor. There was fluffy carpet everywhere which, y'know, after being in NYC with all the wood floors for years, felt luxurious. We stayed in the basement which was redone very nicely... but then... there were.... THE SPIDERS. It's actually a myth that you supposedly swallow 8 spiders in your sleep per year.