(For older folks, IRL means In Real Life)
Since the surprising election last week, for many in the arts community it seems like a giant wrench has been thrown into our lives (to say the least). For me, everything seemed to be going fine with art projects pre-Trump. I was just getting into a great routine doing semi-regular nightly personal art coming off of Inktober. But now, post-Trump, I've found myself being glued to news sites and the media to see what the new "chaos of the day" is and am realizing that too much news is unhealthy.
Yesterday I saw a movie (Dr. Strange!) with some coworkers, and it was SUCH a nice break from all the negativity! The movie was very inspiring to me artistically - a refreshing boost! And that night, instead of googling the news during dinner, I researched more about the original Dr. Strange comics. So I've decided to give myself an extended break from the news and limit myself on Facebook (which is just as bad or worse, because of so many fake news articles and people ranting). Pre-Trump, I wasn't interested in the news much unless a major event happened (like an ISIS attack). Some people have criticized me for this, but it allows me to focus more on my artwork and get more done. I even had a professor who told students to not bother with the news, because it's so fleeting, and just do your art.
Now, I'm not saying escapism is the ultimate answer. It has been revealed that our country has many problems to sort out and it will take much time and understanding from both sides to resolve, which we should take part in a positive way. But in the meantime, it's OK to give yourself a break and do something fun and inspiring. You deserve it!