With a new decade coming up, I thought a lot about larger life choices and what direction I want my life and career to go. I made a couple brainstorming mind-map things, starting with this one. Major things I realized were that I feel like I’ve hit a career plateau and I need to push myself to keep learning new things, especially graphic design-wise. I also need to update my websites to reflect my current brand, and even gain clarity on what my brand IS! I do many things from my own comics (AER HEAD - which I just finished drawing!) to custom comics, to teaching, to design & more.
Also, the end of 2019 has been a bit rough for me, but I know 2020 will be a more positive future! “Know thyself” is key - I recognize negative thought patterns in myself and will take steps to catch myself and replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts. It’s all about MINDSET!! For example, concerning AER HEAD, sometimes I think I’m working so hard on it but in the end, as an indie comic it won’t reach many people and not many people will care. WRONG! AER HEAD is AMAZING and if I can learn more about how to market it correctly, it WILL reach more people! Even by word of mouth alone - I had 85 backers for my Kickstarter and 27 patrons on my Patreon (yes there is some overlap with people supporting both :), as well as all of you on my mailing list, and that is FANTASTIC! Definitely already blessed with lots of support!
Keep in mind that all the post-it notes in the pic are NOT just “resolutions.” They are action items that I want to work towards in 2020. Sometimes just by labeling something as a “resolution,” it’s almost doomed to fail by mid-January. MINDSET!! I made another action-map based on items from these goals, which I’ll post in a future blog.
Life Tip
Even though this is the time of year when the holidays are bustling, take some time to reflect beyond just a resolution now instead of picking something the first week of January, then dismissing it mid-month. The start of a new decade is time to think BIG! Start with a larger goal and brainstorm some action steps you can take to work towards that goal, like “mini goals.”