Cafe Draw Jam With Electric Moses
The next monthly Cafe Draw Jam is Saturday March 12! Here's the facebook event with more details. A Draw Jam is people getting together to casually draw. This includes all "levels" of drawing skill and you don't need to consider yourself to be an "artist." It can be a great way to jump back into drawing if you haven't done it in awhile. Paper and pencils will be provided & feel free to bring your own supplies. We'll be drawing from 1-5.
At 4pm the band Electric Moses will perform a live set! No cover. Drawing to music is a great vibe! Caffeine Underground is a wonderful place to discover new music! Please show your love and support the cafe by getting a cozy drink or food.
I'll also pass around sheets with a QR code for donations to Razom for Ukraine. The money we raise will go to Razom Emergency Response, providing medical supplies for Ukrainian civilian territorial defenses in Kyiv and Zhytomyr. All my book sales for that day I’ll donate as well.
Draw, listen to awesome music, and support a great cause.