Had to take some time to recover after another 3 day show (technically a 2 1/2 day show). The pic above is of the Westin Hotel in Newport NJ, where Toys on the Hudson was held. It was a new thing for me to exhibit in a toy show.
The show was divided into many rooms of the hotel, with all the comic books and artists in one big room. The Jersey Journal covered the show, and you can see more pics of the toys on their site. It was a good show for me, despite low crowds. I was given an extra table too!
I did another lecture about "Getting Started Exhibiting Your Comic Art at Conventions."
And of course I did a lot more sketches! One guy that sold Transformers toys wanted me to draw any kind of "mecha" (robot) I wanted. Check out the unicorn mecha in rockin' boots! Have you EVER seen a giant robot in high heels? I don't think so!
I sketched this Optimus Prime in keeping with the toy theme of the show. Transformers was of course popular....
As was Godzilla! I tried something new with this sketch and made a misfortune to go with it:
This guy wanted a portrait. The spittin' image!
This girl wanted a My Little Pony. I asked "old school or new school?" (because there's a new version that looks different from the 80s version), and she chose old school!
Yeah rockin' Firefly Pony!
The same guy that had me do the story book pictures at Super Heroes for Hospice came back for 2 more drawings! Yay repeat customers! These are like concept sketches for this children's book he's writing for his grand kids (rather than the finished art that would be in a book).
This one turned out extra awesome. It's the "Rock King" and the guy described him as being made of smooth, speckled rock. GO, Prismacolor Brush-tip markers!!
Overall, it was great meeting lots of nice people and seeing familiar faces. Spiro from Super Heroes for Hospice (the last con I did) was at a booth right across from me, and my friend Emilio was at the table right next to me. I also talked a lot with R. Allen Leider who gave me lots of helpful advice. Thanks everyone for being part of the show, both exhibitors and fans!